潮州市美雅瓷艺厂是一个专门生产各式陶瓷工艺品,自1990年创办以来至今已为10多年,集设计、开发和生产为一体的**厂家,竭诚欢迎国内外各新老朋友到厂参观指导、洽谈业务、来样加工,真诚合作,建立良好的贸易关系。倘若有幸得到您的青睐,本公司将为你提供**的产品和完善的售后服务,希望我们能够携手合作!! MEI YA CI Arts and Crafts Company is specialized in kinds of porcelains,such as vase and flower pots and many more. Warmly welcome you and come to visit our company and discuss the business,and also we can make production according to your samples,sincerely hope to dobusiness with you and establish the good you get a chance to visit,we will provide the good qualities and the good service for you Hope to do business with you!Thanks!